Roberta "Robbie" Lynn Toebe, 53, Green Bay, passed away peacefully in her sleep on October 9, 2020. Born on August 29,1967, in Lincoln, Maine, to Robert and Lucy Worster. She was a loving wife, mother of four children and an amazing grandmother of four. She married Karl R. Toebe on June 12, of 1994, in Green Bay. Robbie loved going thrift store shopping, playing Yahtzee, watching soap operas, and most of time spent with family over a big meal and holidays. Her favorite places to be was at her kitchen table in her chair watching crimes shows or going camping with her family at a lake!
She is survived by her husband, Karl; Mother, Lucy; Four children, Brandi Worster, Brittany Toebe, Blade Toebe, Karl Patrick Toebe; Grandchildren, Trinity, Hailee, Jace, Ember; Four sisters; Diane, Penny, Janice, and Bobbie Jo; Nieces/Nephews, Soloman, Melissa, Elizabeth, Jessica, Jayd, Sebastian, Liliana, Kyle, Chelsy, Grace, Aleida, and Sylvia.
Robbie was preceded in death by her Father; Robert Sister; Christine.
A service will be held on November 15th, Location and time TBA
In lieu of flowers a memorial fund has been established.